For Impact


3 Big WOWs from Ireland

For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

Just finished a great week in Ireland. 3 straight all-day trainings with amazing people from Business to Arts, One Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropic and Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.

Then, spoke at SEI’s Annual Award Ceremony (followed the leader of Ireland, the Taoiseach!)

Also met with the new Provost (President) of Trinity University and his Foundation/Development Team. I’ve worked with a lot of colleges and universities… but none that were founded more than 400 years ago!!!

Will share more later, but here’s 3 Big WOWs from the training.

    1. ‘WHITE SPACE’. Just because you take something off of the Engagement Tool… doesn’t mean you can’t use it!!!
    It just becomes an Impact Point/Talking Point to be brought out when needed.
    2. SFP. We used 3 Framing Devices for everyone’s Funding Plan:
      The Pyramid. (1, 2, 4, 8, 18 = 33)
      The 3 Circles. (Projects x Cost = Goal)
      The 3 Levels. (e.g. Partner, Sponsor, Angel)
    Then I wrote SFP in large letters… and asked what it meant.
    A wonderful woman (one of my favorites) said, “Simple Freaking Plan.” (She didn’t use “freaking“. It’s Ireland.)
    She was right! It is.
    Mine was Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
    Both work.
    3. BRILLIANT. The Irish use it for everything! (Even me ). However, as Leo Buscaglia says, “People call me brilliant… because I tell them what they already know.” Same thing here.
    I provided Frameworks and some Coaching, but they had the answers inside themselves.

Big Week. Big Impact. Big Income (to follow, for them).