For Impact


On Altitude: Framework

Overview, Story, On Altitude | | Tom Suddes

The For Impact ALTITUDE FRAMEWORK is one of our most referenced and utilized tools by our team, our coaches and our clients… TO RAISE THE LEVEL OF THEIR GAME!


The Altitude Framework works great for Presentations, Engagement Tools, Agendas/Meetings, Speaking, Strategic Plans and Action Plans.

It’s also a great Framework to respond to questions. (“At what altitude/level is the best or most appropriate response?”)

And, it’s a powerful coaching model. (“Let’s talk about this issue/topic at this particular altitude/level”)

At For Impact, we use this for everything from keynote speeches to our website. It’s a part of our mind mapping as we lay out our content, our guides and our books. We have color-coded it as Blue… Red… Green. And, it allows us to talk ‘shorthand’ and reach decisions ten times faster than a normal process.

One of the reasons that this framing device has been so popular is its obvious simplicity. Everyone can understand the hierarchy of WHY, WHAT and HOW… and they intuitively get the connection between VISION, STRATEGY and EXECUTION.

Following are some ways to help you understand and apply… ALTITUDE.

30,000′ View From Airplane A Green Blur Telescope
14,000′ Top of Mountain A Forest Binoculars
3′ Nap of the Earth A Tree Glasses
“He who knows the ‘WHY’ of his existence… can bear almost any ‘HOW’.”
– Viktor Frankl