“What’s your elevator pitch?” The lore of the elevator pitch comes from the early days of Hollywood when one would...
A few weeks ago we published “10 Action Steps to Help you Engage in 2016.” Over the next 10 weeks,...
We urge you to read Dan Pink’s book, TO SELL IS HUMAN! Go immediately to Page 155 and read about...
You all know the story of the ‘Little Engine that Could.’ Great little blue engine that pulled the big train...
Here’s a really solid article from Rosabeth Moss Kanter at Harvard Business Review: If You Don’t Like Your Future, Re-Write...
Let me tell you a story … about an amazing man and social entrepreneur named Bill Strickland. We had the...
“Let me tell you a story …” The exact same story can be told very differently by different people …...
Try this tool for building your story. STORYBOARDING: It’s a Walt Disney animation term … but it works perfectly for...
I once spent a day at Disney World with an amazing group of Junior Achievement CHAMPIONS (aka Board Members and...
In a blurb that came out from Notre Dame News, the president, Father John Jenkins, was talking about his vice...
Here’s a summarized version of the STORY for The Abbey Theatre in Ireland. They’re an amazing organization, with an incredibly...
Jim Loehr is one of my favorite authors. He began his career working with high-profile athletes in tennis and moved...