For Impact


For Impact Films: Strong Bodies Fight

Daily Nuggets | | Nick Fellers

This summer we launched a new venture to produce some For Impact films. Long time readers and friends will find the first film to be a very natural fit: Strong Bodies Fight. Kudos to Mark and the team that are making this film worthy of its entry to Sundance later this year.

Strong Bodies Fight

Since 1931, the University of Notre Dame Men’s Boxing program has provided young men with an opportunity to train their bodies and minds while raising awareness and support for the Holy Cross Missions in Bangladesh, a country the size of Wisconsin home to 150 million people, half the population of the United States.

In May of 2008, for the first time ever, a group of 5 students broke the barrier between an ideal and its practical impact, traveling across the world to see the fruits of 78 years of sweat and blood and come face to face with their anonymous brethren. This is their story–one of hope, solidarity, and education.

Produced by Mark Weber and William Donaruma

Ass. Producer Patrick Ryan

Cinematography by John Klein

The trailer is out and the team has a great feature in Notre Dame magazine. Read the feature for a great piece about the Notre Dame Bengal Bouts story and boxing program. Tom is coaching again this year – his 35th consecutive year. (He’s also the ‘man in the ring’ at the start of this trailer.)