For Impact


Information Design. Annual Reports. Nicholas Feltron.

For Impact Ideas | | Nick Fellers

Designer Nicholas Feltron published his annual report yesterday.

Probably not the type of annual report you’re thinking of.

Nick Feltron has been publishing his PERSONAL annual report for seven years. His visual thinking has been pretty influential (pick up a copy of Fast Company mag or Good, much of the information design is ‘Feltron-ish’). He was picked up by Facebook last year. The addition of the Facebook timeline is his work.

Take a few minutes to click through the information. Notice how ENGAGING information design can be. It’s a great way to mix stats with some of your stories – perhaps in your own annual report.

None of what Feltron does is EASY, but you can still draw inspiration… you can still think about HOW you’re communicating your IMPACT in a visual and engaging way.

I think of Feltron as an emerging influence. If you like his stuff, also check out Edward Tufte, the grandfather of information design.