I rarely use this forum for personal updates, but had to share a very Memorable Experience with our For Impact family.
On September 6th, I got to walk my beautiful, talented and fun daughter Kerry down the aisle at Eagle Creek. Many of you have worked with Kerry over the years. She went with me to sign up our first TSG client, Fenwick High School, when she was 7! She helped train our first big national client, ACS, right out of college. She has worked closely with Nick and me as we’ve grown the For Impact brand internationally and online.
I was proud to walk with her … but even more proud of all she’s accomplished. She is a great daughter, sister, aunt, friend and coach.
She and her new husband, Chris, have known each other since high school, but just recently figured out that they were more than ‘just friends.’ Chris has lived in Jackson Hole since ‘99 and is an avid cyclist and skier. Kerry relocated there last year and has a nice little FI office close to the town square – For Impact Jackson Hole!
Thought you might enjoy some pictures. Wedding was non-traditional (I know. Surprise, surprise.) It was a truly memorable experience – Mechanical Bull, Food Trucks, Hot Air Balloon rides and Funnel Cakes!