Think about this absolutely ‘brilliant’ spot-on quote of W. Clement Stone:
“SALES are contingent on the ATTITUDE of the salesman – not the ATTITUDE of the PROSPECT.”
ATTITUDE has everything to do with the way you respond to ‘ISSUES’ … when you sit down to visit with a PROSPECT who:
- Doesn’t know much about the organization.
- Doesn’t understand why the organization needs money.
- Questions if this is the ‘right time’ (economy) to be asking for money.
- Folds their arms. They start off being totally unengaged. They pre-empt with a
token gift or a blanket statement that they’re not giving to anyone right now.
IF you let the ATTITUDE of the PROSPECT dictate the flow and the outcome of the visit … you would end up with zero, nada, zilch.
But, when you let YOUR ATTITUDE (belief in the cause … clear understanding of the purpose and priorities … a masterful presentation of the plan) control the visit…
W. Clement Stone says it all. (YOUR) ATTITUDE is everything!!!