I was just reminded again of the absolutely “brilliant” spot-on quote of W. Clement Stone:
“SALES are contingent on the ATTITUDE of the salesman – not the ATTITUDE of the PROSPECT.”
Nobody has demonstrated this more in the last couple of weeks than ForImpact’s own Nick Fellers and Derek Grosso. They’re working on a project for Junior Achievement. (Almost) EVERY time they sit down for a visit, there are PROSPECT ‘ISSUES’:
They don’t know much about Junior Achievement.
They don’t understand why Junior Achievement needs money.
They question if this is the ‘right time’ (economy) to be out asking.
They fold their arms. They start off being totally unengaged. They pre-empt with a token gift or a blanket statement that they’re not giving to anyone right now.
IF Nick or Derek let the ATTITUDE of the PROSPECT dictate the flow and the outcome of the visit… they would end up with zero, nada, zilch.
But, because they let THEIR ATTITUDE (Belief in the Cause… Clear Understanding of the Purpose and Priorities… A Masterful Presentation of the Plan.) control the visit… AMAZING THINGS ARE HAPPENING!
W. Clement Stone says it all. (YOUR) ATTITUDE is everything!!!