For Impact


Types of Value Propositions

Story | | Nick Fellers

We’re pretty big on building a value proposition around the impact (of the program, of the investment — hence, our name: For Impact). It’s worth defining other common types of value propositions so that you can illustrate opportunities (to sell impact) within your organization, or so that your team can see how selling-impact compares with existing strategies.

Legacy/Sponsorship: Focused on recognition and/or exposure for an individual or corporation.

Many people don’t think of these as being similar but they both seek to name — or recognize — the funder, whether that’s a family’s name on the side of a building or a local bank displayed on a website banner.

Programs & Capital: Either selling a program, a class, or a school for underwriting. Or, one-time financial raise for capital projects. “Your funding will translate directly to xyz expense.”

Peer-to-Peer: Value proposition (why give) is largely a factor of social currency.Operational: Expressed in terms of an operational need and expresses how the (internal) operation will be improved. Eg. “Help us fund a new position.”

Impact: How the investment will help the organization change, save or impact lives.
These don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
Example: Capital + Impact: “Help us with this bricks and mortar project so that we can impact 300 additional families each year, helping them to escape the lifecycle of poverty.”