Change say to ask.
You have to know what you want (clearly) as an outcome of the visit to know what questions to ask.
Example goals for a visit:
Goal: To leave [discovery] visit with clear understanding of whether or not this is a fit for prospect.
Q: What are your top giving priorities?
Q: (After outlining project) Is this something you would want to support?
Goal: Clear idea of project’s rating around capacity and relationship.
Q: Assuming we got you to the site and you loved the project, could we have a conversation around a lead commitment ? (Question asked after addressing what a lead commitment would mean)
Goal: Get a commitment from strong relationship (eg. board member)
Q: What do we need to do to help you come to a decision?
My questions are direct (but authentic) and driven by the goal. I will not leave a visit until I have what we need re: the goal. This could be a commitment/decline, interest/not interest or a clear road map for action. One of my goals for every visit is always tied to building and/or maximizing the relationship at that given moment and for the long term.
If you identify the goal of the visit you will ask the right questions.