Book Recommendation: How Champions Think by Bob Rotella.
Some of the most important qualities in a great sales/major gifts person include:
- Empathy
- Optimism
- Confidence
- Engagement (Ability to ENGAGE)
It’s difficult for me to rank these. They’re all important.
How Champions Think gives you and me a way of approaching optimism and confidence as dynamic traits we can control. We DECIDE to be optimistic and CHOOSE to believe in ourselves.
- On Optimism.
“People aren’t born optimistic or pessimistic. Optimism is an attitude that people can choose to have.”
- “Optimism doesn’t guarantee anything in sports [and life]. It just improves your chances.”
- “Optimism is often an act of faith, a belief in something that cannot be proven.”
- Rotella says that top athletes either consciously or unconsciously find ways to become and stay optimistic.
- On Self-Confidence.
“People tend to become what they think about themselves.” – William James
“There is enormous wisdom in that sentence. And there’s enormous hope. James was wise enough to see that we are each the biggest influence on our own destiny. More importantly, he understood that we each have the power to construct our own self-image and that the self-image we construct will very likely determine what we become in life.”
The valuable thing about this book is that it gives us a peek into the minds of Lebron James, Ben Hogan and other champions. You see the importance of confidence but more importantly, you see how these are decisions that add up to construct one’s being.
Having coached and trained over 1000 sales people and leaders I believe in everything Rotella is saying. Optimism and confidence are found in different ways but fundamentally they are choices.
Implications for For Impact Leaders:
- Hire for optimism and confidence… And always reinforce these traits. Believing in your team is one of the most important things you can do as a leader.
- Remove (sales) team members that cannot be mentored toward optimism and confidence. We must guard against anything that takes these dynamic traits in the wrong direction.
- Renew YOUR optimism and confidence. It’s a decision! But this one falls under ‘simple, not easy’. Work on finding ways to become and stay optimistic. Set the tone and the story for the team.