We are deeply committed to the formation of talent, leadership and ‘sales skills’ in the social sector. One of the...
“What’s your elevator pitch?” The lore of the elevator pitch comes from the early days of Hollywood when one would...
In designing, managing and leading hundreds of ‘building campaigns’, these are questions we ask – at altitude: 30,000’ WHY? VISION...
We are professionals – We do not make COLD CALLS! Instead, we PREDISPOSE the prospect or potential investor before, during and...
“It is the recipient who communicates. Unless there is someone who hears, there is no communication. There is only...
I’m constantly trying to get people to think about what it means TO ENGAGE! I think we’re taught how to...
We strive to be ‘Best in the World’ at the ASK. We are constantly training and improving as a...
“What’s your Elevator Pitch?” The Elevator Pitch may be one of the most powerful framing devices ever. By common definition,...
A few weeks ago we published “10 Action Steps to Help you Engage in 2016.” Over the next 10 weeks,...
Engagement has a 24-hour half-life. Every day you don’t follow-up, the level of engagement — the excitement, the enthusiasm, the...
A few weeks ago we published “10 Action Steps to Help you Engage in 2016.” Over the next 10 weeks,...
A few weeks ago we published “10 Action Steps to Help you Engage in 2016.” Over the next 10 weeks,...