Most ‘Strategic Plans’ are an internal work of fiction usually prepared by left-brain, accountant-types who love outlines, charts, 5-year projections, etc. If you’re looking for an undecipherable, unimaginative, unread, super-thick binder to use as a bookend or a doorstop, then by all means, do a strategic plan!
P.S. I feel the same way about no more ‘Business Plans,’ but I’ll save that rant for another day.
There is too much to do, too many lives to SAVE and IMPACT, to get caught up in ‘strategy.’ Instead…
If you really, really, want to achieve your Vision, fulfill your Mission, live your Message: then prepare an Action Plan that will provide focus and direction for the next 1,000 Days (11 Quarters, 33 Months, almost 3 Years).
Your 1,000 Day Action Plan should include:
- 90-Day Goals and Priorities
- Monthly Checklists and Measurement
- Timely Celebrations
This will engage your team and leaders in a focused manner.
P.S. Match this with a 1,000-Day Funding Plan and you will be well on your way to success.