Here’s the Roadmap and the 1, 2, 3 under Blue, Red and Green. Download the PDF These contain action...
Here’s how you can use this Framework to create dialogue with your Board around their relationship with your organization....
Take a QUANTUM LEAP. Push the Envelope. Live on the edge. “The mind, once expanded to dimensions of larger ideas,...
Here is a deeper explanation of the power of ‘ALTITUDE‘ on a visit/presentation: Always go (back) up. Nick Fellers has...
While there have been many different uses and permutations of this ‘thinking’ at altitude… one of our favorites is...
ALTITUDE is a great way for an entrepreneur to answer these 3 critical questions: WHY… are you in business? WHAT…...
At 30,000’: An airplane’s cruising altitude, plenty of blue sky, a great view, etc. At 30,000’, our brain even seems...
The For Impact ALTITUDE FRAMEWORK is one of our most referenced and utilized tools by our team, our coaches...
“WORDS ARE IMPORTANT” – Tom Peters “… We need a NEW LANGUAGE. The critical distinction is not between business...