For Impact


Eat for growth, Lift for strength, LIVE for the moment.

For Impact Ideas | | Nick Fellers

A departure from the normal Daily Nugget stuff today…

I want to introduce you to Steve Wolf (aka Wolfie) and a For Impact Publishing Project: Wisdom from Wolfie.

Wolfie leads our design efforts. He’s also our resident cross-fit / life-performance coach. He comes to us from the Indy Car circuit where he spent several years helping drivers optimize fitness and then helping teams design (evidently neither is a ‘full time focus’).

We recruited Wolfie about a year ago with the mandate that he keep his second life as a performance coach. He runs his own cross-fit gym (pictured below) and lately has turned our office into much of the same. It’s not unusual to see tires, kettle bells, sand bags and-the-like tucked away throughout our 50-acre campus. In plain terms – Wolfie’s been kicking our butts!

If you’ve met us or been to Eagle Creek then you have a sense that we’re trying to build something much more interesting and fulfilling than a ‘consulting company’. Every person on our 14 member team is a COACH first. It starts with Tom; he’s been the men’s boxing coach at Notre Dame for 34 years. (The boxing explains all the BOLD CAPS. They’re verbal jabs!)

As we grow and scale our IMPACT I’m committed to doing so in a way that amplifies our life-entrepreneurial spirit. Wolfie contributes to that spirit.

Read / follow WISDOM FROM WOLFIE if you’re into personal performance. I’m posting Wolfie’s wisdom at a second blog but suspect that much of our community may enjoy his wisdom – we do.

“Eat for growth, Lift for strength, LIVE for the moment.” – Wolfie

– Nick