I was thinking of my friend Pete Kunk this morning. Pete is amazing ‘business coach’ (at Built to Lead), and is always recommending ForImpact.org for his ‘business’ clients. (Primarily, I think, because of our ongoing emphasis on SALES.)
I believe the following version of our Roadmap works very well in Pete’s world.
I sometimes forget that many of our readers and followers are For Impact Organization board members and community/business leaders.
Here’s why I think this Roadmap works so well for businesses or entrepreneurs.
- The blue around IMPACT is still about the WHY/WHAT you are selling, how you SHARE the STORY, SIMPLIFY your MESSAGE, DEFINE your VALUE PROPOSITION and DESIGN the PRESENTATION.
- The red arrow is about the WHO, about engaging people, engaging leadership, how you train your sales team and (of course) WHO you are selling to.
- The green around INCOME is the HOW you generate sales and revenue, and HOW you present the opportunity. It’s about an actual COMMITMENT to SALES. And, certainly if you’re in C-Suite or high-end sales, it’s about getting out and making the VISIT.
- Most importantly, for anyone in the For Impact world (that’s not-for-profit or for-profit or whatever) it’s all about JUST ASK!
Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield say either 60% or 75% of sales people never CLOSE/ASK!
I hope this has some value.