Step 3: Be Prepared to Operate at the Rate of Rapidly Accelerating Change that Every Business is Faced with – Squared
Blog | | Tom Suddes
(This was taken from an article in Ode magazine and excerpt from Mission, Inc.: The Practitioner’s Guide to Social Enterprise by Kevin Lynch and Julius Walls Jr.)
The authors talk about Jeffrey Hollander, Founder and CEO of Seventh Generation, a $100M firm that is into green cleaners, laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, etc.; and about his relationship with Wal-Mart. Lynch and Walls suggest that Hollander’s answer to the “WHY” (he is in business) embodies the core principle of SOCIAL ENTERPRISE:
“We are not in business to be in business. We are in business only because of our mission.”
I also believe that this Step 3 around ‘CHANGE‘ is one of my most powerful admonitions to an ENTREPRENEUR. CHANGE rules. CHANGE the rules. (There are no rules.) CHANGE or die. CHANGE to live. CHANGE creates huge opportunities. CHANGE is the only constant. Etc., etc., etc.