For Impact is a team of entrepreneurs. I sold my first company at the age of 20. Tom, a serial...
The For Impact ALTITUDE FRAMEWORK is one of our most referenced and utilized tools (by our team, our coaches and...
I learned about the TRIPLE NET concept during my days as a real estate broker and playing real-life ‘monopoly’ purchasing...
This has become one of our most powerful ‘sales’ training tools and prep for big visits/asks. You can either…...
Earlier this week we reminded you of our thoughts on a VOCABULARY CHANGE for the sector. Two big shifts are...
97% of all your INCOME (SALES/REVENUE) will come from 3% of your PROSPECTS (Portfolio/Community/Family). This is a fact. Don’t fight...
Tom Peters says, WORDS ARE IMPORTANT. Jim Collins says, “We need a NEW LANGUAGE. The critical distinction is not between...
Just Ask is the ACTION part of the For Impact Point of View. Through The Suddes Group, we’ve raised a...
BE FOR IMPACT is a 50,000’ conversation, an imperative, and a challenge. Finding PURPOSE is a journey. BEING FOR IMPACT...
Why do we define ourselves in the negative? It makes no sense. Does your organization exist to not make any...
Putting an ‘idea on the back of a napkin’ is pretty important to us. The ‘napkin’ is the most powerful...
Today is 3/3 and if you know us, you know that 3 is our favorite number! So, today, we’re kicking...