For Impact


Teleseminar this Thursday: Make Your Story Awesome

For Impact Ideas | | Nick Fellers

“We fail to realize that everything we say is a story — nothing more, nothing less.”
“Stories impose meaning on the chaos; they organize and give context to our experiences…
Facts are meaningless until you create a story around them.”

“Your life is your story. Your story is your life.”

From The Power of Story, by Jim Loehr

You have control over the story. That’s the WOW!
This week think about:

Story – if you get it – is a pretty big deal. We’re devoting a lot of time, direction, and resources to helping the sector with ‘story’. Tomorrow, we’ll be sharing practical examples that help you clarify your vision, articulate your message, inspire your team, and transform funding.

Teleseminar: How to Make Your Story Awesome
Thursday, March 7 @ 1:00 PM ET
Info & Registration