WHAT IF you were down to your very LAST INVESTOR? (aka ‘DONOR’)
WHAT IF the FATE and FUTURE of your ORGANIZATION and CAUSE were entirely up to that one LAST INVESTOR?
Think about it:
IF you can communicate your IMPACT and MISSION. Convince them of your VISION. INVOLVE THEM in your LEADERSHIP PROCESS.
THEN they will MAXIMIZE their INVESTMENT and bring along OTHERS to COMMIT and INVEST.
HOWEVER, if they don’t ‘GET IT’ – they’re history. They’re gone.
If you can’t communicate your MESSAGE in a clear, concise and compelling fashion, then they will be polite, but still gone.
The proverbial BOTTOM LINE is simple:
you are ‘OUT OF BUSINESS.’
CHALLENGE: How can you use this metaphor of The Last Investor to CHANGE the way you apply the IMPACT DRIVES INCOME insight and how you approach your best prospects?
Would you call them (in the middle of dinner), ask for money, and then promise to follow-up with a form letter?
Would you ask them to buy a table at your (not) special event?
Would you ask them to be part of your Feasibility Study to find out if you need money?
Would you meet them at their office (or for lunch) rather than try to get them to see what you do and where you deliver your service? (Because it’s easier.)
Would you send them a 60-minute DVD and ask them to watch it? (And enclose a BRE)
You get the point.
Click here to read more including a powerful Parable about The Last Investor.