We’ve relaunched our website. Our most important goal in doing this was to make useful content easier to find.
We’ve organized the content so it’s easy to get what you want, when you want it, by applying this framework:

The old website was designed to be a river of daily nuggets. This new version will still publish daily nuggets, but our timeless content is organized around For Impact subject areas (like our point-of-view, organizational development, team development, and fund development), and by type of resource (guidebooks, videos, audio, etc.).
We encourage you to start with our P.O.V. and then explore the content – start reading from the beginning, or jump right to an area where you could use some help or inspiration.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask.
Note: If you’re a current client or recent alum (of either coaching/training or a live experience), you will be receiving a link to re-register for one year of access to the ‘virtual coaching’ areas in our new site.