I had a truly energizing session with 500+ members and board members of the Northwest Development Officers Association. These are...
On way to Seattle to speak with 500 Development/Advancement Officers. Synopsis … Pike Street Market – Robb Pike, a Suddes...
Bill and Melinda Gates published their annual letter yesterday, framed around 3 MYTHS. “By almost any measure, the world is...
Synchronicity. Serendipity. Spooky. I LOVE Tom Peter’s ‘stuff’. I’ve been following him for over 30 years, every since his mega-hit...
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Tim Kight’s terrific insight states...
“It’s easier to change PEOPLE than to CHANGE people.” Kets De Vries (via Tom Peters)
We are less than 3 weeks into 2014. Perfect time to think about our IMPACT, our GOALS and things we...
Average life expectancy in the United States is 28,725 days. You can count the days … or make each day...
I know. You’re tired of talk about the New Year, resolutions, changing your life, diet, physique, relationships, etc. I’m definitely...
This is not a short post! It’s not 140 characters to be tweeted nor is it designed for ADHD, fast-twitch...
HBR’s January/February issue talked about “A Great Place to Work” and featured IDEO, BlackRock and Netflix. Here is the link...
I got the following from Seth Godin’s daily blog. If you don’t know Seth, look up prolific writer in whatever...