For Impact


1 Million Push-Ups: Now That’s Math!

For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

You can read this article on the US Marine Sgt. who is doing 1 Million Push-Ups this year!


  • Marine Sgt. Enrique Trevino is committed 2,732 push-ups every single day… every single 24 hours!
  • Here’s how he does it: 200 push-ups during morning PT. At work, a set of 30 push-ups every 10 or 15 minutes. After work, does a half-hour of just push-ups knocking off another 600 to 850. Then, at home he finishes the rest.


*It makes 63,000 push-ups look absolutely paltry!

Special Note: If you want to raise $1M this year, you could use the same Math:

  • Raise $2,732 every day! That’s almost $20,000 a week, $80,000 a month.