33 Campaign Lessons
Examples, For Impact Ideas, Campaigns (Funding the Vision), Quantum Leap Culture | | Tom Suddes
August 11th to 15th is For Impact’s CAMPAIGN WEEK
(our version of ‘Shark Week’ on the Discovery Channel).
To kick it off and get you in the right frame of mind, I’ve summarized
33 LESSONS I have learned in helping manage over 300 ‘Campaigns’
and raising over $1B.
Some are self-explanatory. Others are ‘Suddes Shorthand’. (You can download
the entire CAMPAIGN MANIFESTO, TAKE A QUANTUM LEAP for free between now and Aug 15.)
Every org we talk with is IN a Campaign, just coming OUT of a Campaign,
or PLANNING a Campaign.
I hope one of these lessons is the breakthrough for a QUANTUM LEAP ?
1. Attitude is everything!
2. “Make no mistake. We’re in a campaign.”
3. “Leaders Lead.”
4. Everything’s a project.
5. “On Board.”
6. Step Up.
7. Focus. Focus. Focus.
8. Do. Delegate. Dump.
9. No Excuses. No Timeouts. No Substitutions.
10. Get more aggressive.
11. Let go of your baggage.
12. “Engage. Then plan.”
13. Fail. Fail Fast. Better.
14. Prototype everything.
15. Speed doesn’t kill.
16. Act or ask.
17. W.I.T. (Whatever It Takes)
18. Oscillation.
19. Power Of One.
20. No “I” in “team” is a crock.
21. Who, not How.
22. Hire Mavericks.
23. It’s all about sales.
24. Sales requires people. process. performance.
25. Sales demands measurement.
26. Do your push-ups.
27. Write it down. It will happen.
28. Vision rooms rule!!!
29. Simplify your message.
30. Create memorable experiences.
31. Share the story. Present the opportunity.
32. Follow-up. Perseverance. 57 times.
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