Just finished a great Sales Training Camp with an absolutely amazing group of committed ‘For Impact’ Leaders and Sales Teams.
Shared these 6 RULES OF SALES SUCCESS with them to lead off Day 2. Wanted all of you to see these in this format:
*Why 6?
Napoleon Hill writes that Ivy Lee, considered the father of Modern PR and Time Management, was doing some work for Charles Schwab the head of Bethlehem Steel, who wanted to make his managers more effective and help them better utilize their time.
Schwab agreed to try the ‘system’ out for a few weeks and then send Lee a check for what he thought the idea was worth.
Lee advised Schwab to have his managers list their top 6 priorities for the next day. Number them 1 to 6 according to how important the task was. On the next day, take the task in the priority order….. not proceeding until a task was completed.
In a couple of weeks, Schwab sent Lee a check for $25,000 (1922) which is probably a $250,000 value for that idea in today’s money.
If it were me, I’d write down 3… try and get done… and go outside!