Recent article in Chronicle of Philanthropy led off with this sentence: “Chief Executives of nonprofit organizations gave their Boards grades of D+ in fundraising…” (MANAGING, Page 18).
‘FUNDRAISING’ was rated the absolute lowest of 14 categories that were graded for Board Performance… and the highest/top rating for most important areas for Board Improvement.
Board Source prepared the 2010 Nonprofit Governance Index. Among its many findings showed that many organizations are still struggling from the recession: 41% cut or froze staff salaries, 29% laid off staff members or eliminated positions and 28% dipped into reserves or endowments. (Survey responses from 978 Chief Executives and 780 Board Members.)
60% of Chief Executives identified money – or the lack of it – as the most pressing challenge.
Everybody that we work with has major challenges around the BOARD and FUNDRAISING. Here are 3 great questions (from Nick) when people tell us their Board is not ‘giving’ nor ‘getting’.
- 1. Have you SHARED YOUR STORY (your Impact, your Vision, your Message) at the highest level?
2. Have you ENGAGED (truly engaged) with your individual Board Members?
3. Have you ASKED? (No, really ASKED?)
When the vast majority of people answer “No” to one, two or all three of these questions… it’s pretty clear that the current results are a function of the organization… not the Board Member.
Note: Download our Guidebook: ON BOARDS for solutions to this BIG issue.