Here’s a story about an organization that was having a hard time getting leadership engaged and ‘on board’ through a...
Last Thursday’s teleseminar and the release of our Guide: ON BOARD(S) triggered a lot of feedback! Some of it funny....
I was in New York City last week facilitating a day-long strategic funding retreat for a board and senior staff....
Nick and I are on our way to make a presentation to select members of an amazing For Impact health...
I’ve never seen a strong fundraising board. We’ve worked with colleges, national organizations, start-ups, orgs in every sector – and...
I spent the morning yesterday facilitating a Board Retreat for an incredibly impactful organization. I wanted to share with you...
You’ve seen or heard Tom and I talk a lot about the importance of ‘on board’ vs. ‘on the board’....
Here is a SIMPLE way to deal with one of the biggest issues facing FOR IMPACT (Not-For-Profit) ORGANIZATIONS: HOW TO...
I've been a part of dozens of board retreats (leader/observer/participant), meetings and planning sessions in the lasts few years. A...
YOUR BOARD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDRAISING. There it is again. It's out there. Get over it. STOP whining that...
I just gave two sessions on COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP at the Franklin University Symposium on Leadership. Almost every 'COMMUNITY LEADER' I...
I know you have been taught (brainwashed???) to believe that Major Gift “ASKS” are best if done “peer-to-peer”. Don’t send...