For Impact


Champions and Passionate Advocates

For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

We need more C.P.A.’s in the For Impact World!!!

Not accountants! Champions and Passionate Advocates!!!

If you’re a Frequent Follower of For Impact, you know we would never encourage more ‘bean counting’!

Give us Champions.

You should be looking for CHAMPIONS, not just ‘BOARD MEMBERS’!

‘STUFF’ gets done by CHAMPIONS… by people who believe in your Mission, Message, Vision.

CHAMPIONS are involved with you because of your IMPACT! (They are NOT there because they want to be ‘fundraisers’.)

Stay focused on these CHAMPIONS! They will lead you to the proverbial ‘Promised Land’. In fact, CHAMPIONS will exponentially outperform any ‘COLLECTIVE BOARD’ by 10x to 100x!

Give us Passionate Advocates.