For Impact


Change the Vocabulary

Team Development, Boards | | Tom Suddes

Here’s one great way to dramatically impact your Board’s productivity and effectiveness:


Right now you are using a lot of ‘words’ that support the whole ‘not-for-profit, charity, woe-is-us’ thing. You are also using a lot of ‘industry jargon’ that mystifies and confuses most business and community leaders.

Many of our For Impact Organizations have left a Training Camp or a Live Experience or a Custom Training and gone back to their Boards and shared just this CHANGE IN VOCABULARY! (A few have even put the words up on big posters in their Board Room to really make the point.)

* Note: Here’s powerful incentive to help you understand what this change could mean to your Board Members.

A very successful entrepreneur and businessman in Ireland said to the Senior Staff, “Why didn’t you just say this was SALES in the beginning? I hate fundraising. I understandand love SALES.”

One small example.