For Impact


“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”   Teddy Roosevelt

I saw this quote on the wall of a yoga studio.  Obviously makes a lot of sense in that environment.  The goal is to ‘practice’ yoga with mindfulness and a focus on your own body.  It is not about competing/competition with the instructor or others in the class.

***This took me a while to understand!  When I first started, I couldn’t do any of the 26 Bikram poses, for example, and I couldn’t believe how easy people went into the poses, nor how long they could hold them.

In our For Impact world, this idea of COMPARISON or COMPETITION is a zero sum game.  We should always be looking to be the best we can be … and also looking for wonderful ways to collaborate with other people and organizations.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Joy‘ seems to me to be a much more powerful word than ‘happy‘.

Make Each Day Count.