Tom and I traded hundreds of books in our years of working together. The Alchemist was the first book he shared with me some sixteen years ago. I’m estimating he gave away nearly 1,000 copies of this international bestseller — to clients, boxers, and friends.
The Alchemist is an allegory for Tom’s ‘Life is a journey’ message.
Life is a journey… to be lived, explored and appreciated. The story is about a shepherd that discovers his personal legend. His discovery, journey, and lessons speak to each reader in some way.
Through his journey, the shepherd is called to be more and give more – without fear of failure.
Paulo Coelho writes that when you can do this, “You can achieve anything in creation.” You become an alchemist and can do anything in accordance with your purpose.
Tom had the ability to achieve so many things – and to unlock this gift of achievement in others. He was an alchemist and he had the gift of unlocking the personal legends of others.
The ‘wow’ is really the book itself. I hope you will enjoy this short read. Life is a journey. Discover your personal legend. Unlock your full gifts for others. Learn to be an alchemist.
“Alchemists show us that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”