As summer approaches we are brushing up the directed readings list for our For Impact Summer Internship. This is the version of the list / books we will share this year.
The point of this book is in the title. The book is an invitation to THINK your way through life.
The first two books on this list are timeless classics. The Strangest Secret is… You become what you think about. This is true for individuals. I believe it’s equally true for teams and organizations.
I don’t know how this book didn’t up with even MORE acclaim! Published in 2013 it was my most distributed book of that year. Adam Grant draws on research and real-world stories to illustrate and backstop the notion that helping others is actually the key to success. For anyone in our sector, especially, this is ‘wind in the sails’.
Remember ‘Searching for Bobby Fisher’? The author of this book is Josh Waitzkin, the former child phenom chess champion and subject of the film. This book is about building your craft, learning (period) and the life-as-a-journey pathway toward fulfillment, excellence and mastery.
Focus on strengths (not weaknesses). In life, business, marriage!!! and more. If you can pick up this ONE tip it’s a huuuuggeeee lever for success.
Everything is is a story. Nothing more. Nothing less. We have the ability to control that story. This is a book about the narrative machine that is the mind and the energy stories consume or create.
We’ve read dozens (maybe hundreds) of books, journal articles and other publications about health and wellness. Tom Rath does a great job hitting the recurrent (and really very simple) themes. At The Suddes Group we think of health & vitality as the first wealth. Anything we can do to promote that with our interns, our team, our clients or the broader FI community is really important!