“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect.” W. Clement Stone
If you are in ‘SALES’ (and who isn’t), you need to make this powerful quote your daily mantra.
Reading W. Clement Stone (which led me to Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, et al.) was one of my earliest introductions to success, personal development, goals, etc.
This “frames” so many things if you think about it, including:
- Attitude is Everything
- Self-Fulfilling Prophesy
- What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
- Don’t make decisions for your prospects. (They can’t give. They can’t buy.)
*I have ‘sold’ a lot of stuff based on a strong believe/attitude that it was the absolute best solution/opportunity/benefit to the personal organization being ‘sold’.