The goal of predisposition is simple: TO GET THE VISIT!
It is NOT to ‘sell on the phone’!
A really strong predisposition e-mail or letter makes the follow-up phone call very assumptive/presumptive! “I’m following up on the note that you received from (Natural Partner) and I’d like to see if you might be available next Tuesday morning? Or would Wednesday afternoon be better?”
This is not a spiel. It works.
Perseverance is key (as well as ‘practicing’ the words you will say) with your Best Prospects.
Typically, once you get through on the phone, there are three possible answers a potential investor may give you.
- YES.
Awesome. Get date and time set. Follow-up with a note to confirm. Send any additional predisposition material for the actual visit itself.
“What else could I do that might help you decide on getting together?”
“I can meet you anywhere, anytime.”
“Would it help if you spoke with (Natural Partner) to understand more about why they are engaged with us?”
If the timing isn’t good, schedule a specific date to call back and follow through.
- NO.
If this is the type of ‘no’ that means, “No time, but I still like your organization,” you could send them a President’s Circle invitation or a really strong follow-up letter, with a request. If it’s a ‘no’ that means, “No, I can’t really see this as a priority.” Or “I’m not in a position to help” then you would send a nice thank you and MOVE ON!
A quick reminder about perseverance with your most Qualified Prospects: You cannot mess up a contact to set up a visit if you are authentic!
- “It’s really important that we meet with you.”
- “Been trying hard to set this up because of urgency, importance, etc.”
- “Sorry we have missed connecting so often, and I know I’m being really persistent. I just know how important it is for us to be sharing our story with more people like you.”
WHATEVER IT TAKES. I know. It’s an old and cheesy coaching cliché. However, if you take ‘perseverance’ and ‘attitude’ down to the ‘how’ – the answer is to do WHATEVER IT TAKES! Call back until they tell you not to call anymore. Stay in contact until you’ve got the visit set up. Call in all of your SUPPORT team. WHATEVER IT TAKES.