Flying back from Colorado on Sunday. Always pop into the airport bookstores just to see what’s on the shelves.

This book title and cover just jumped out at me: THE ONE THING.
The primary author is Gary Keller, Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of Keller Williams Realty, largest real estate company in the United States. That got my attention.
I really like this book/concept because of its simplicity.
“If you chase two rabbits … you will not catch either one.”
Keller opens by quoting that great line from the hit comedy, City Slickers, with Curly, the grouchy old cowboy played by Jack Palance and Mitch/Billy Crystal.
Curley: “Do you know what the secret of life is?”
Mitch: “No, what?”
Curly: “This.” (He holds up one finger.)
Mitch: “Your finger?”
Curly: “One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and everything else doesn’t mean sh*t.”
Mitch: “That’s great, but what’s the one thing?”
Curly: “That’s what you’ve got to figure out.”
Keller and co-author Jay Papasan go on to give a ton of great examples around why focusing on the ONE THING creates huge exponential success.
He even quotes one of my favorite thinkers/writers, Og Mandino.
“It’s those who concentrate on but one thing at a time who advance in this world.”
The book lays out the six lies around success:
- Everything matters equally.
- Multi-tasking.
- A disciplined life.
- Will power is always on will call.
- A balanced life.
- Big is bad.
Get the book and read these (especially the concept of multi-tasking, which is ridiculous).
It also has the great alliteration around Purpose + Priority = Productivity (and Profit).
Also website at the The1Thing.com.
Special, Special Note: Like all of my absolute favorite books … everything you need to know about the book is captured ON THE COVER! THE ONE THING. THINK & GROW RICH. START WITH WHY. THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG. SOAR WITH YOUR STRENGTHS. THE POWER OF ONE. And on and on and on.