For Impact



For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

I was with Marty, one of the amazing leaders at Manchester Bidwell Corporation in Pittsburgh. (Bill Strickland’s amazing Center for Art, Technology, Workforce Development and so much more.) Somehow we starting talking about the book UNSTUCK. I went back and found my copy, which was originally referred to me in March of 05 by Nancy K. and Christopher, two terrific entrepreneurs and wonderful people.

UNSTUCK by Keith Yamashita and Sandra Spataro is exactly what it says on the cover: A Tool for Yourself, Your Team and Your World. This is an absolutely stunning book… filled with so many nuggets that it’s almost impossible to read more than five or ten pages without wanting to go do something! (Which, BTW, is my highest compliment for a book.)

Here’s one great example from early in the book.

    To succeed as a leader (or, for that matter, as an individual), you need to unify:

      Your Purpose
      Your Strategy
      Your People (and the way they interact)
      Your Structure and Process
      Your Metrics and Rewards
      Your Culture

Here, and throughout the book, there are all kinds of visuals and charts and diagrams that help to further understand their thinking.

Would strongly recommend you take a look at this book.

Funny Note: Sandra Spataro, co-author of Unstuck, is Assistant Professor at the Yale School of Management. I was just at Yale/New Haven for the first time… for a Board Meeting of Bill and Marty’s umbrella organization NCAT (National Center for Arts and Technology). Life is funny. Small world.