For Impact


Social Entrepreneurship Revisited

For Impact Ideas, On Change in the Social Sector | | Tom Suddes

I’ve been working on my ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT collection and found a great article by Paul Light from the Summer 2009 Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Paul Light is a professor at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, author of Search for Social Entrepreneurship and a terrific thinker and researcher in this space.

In this article, he has a very concise overview of Social Entrepreneurship, including some new insights around four assumptions that he initially rejected but now accepts.

    1. 1.

Social entrepreneurs are not like other high achievers.

    1. 2.

Socially entrepreneurial ideas are big.

    1. 3.

Opportunities for grand change come in waves

    1. 4.

Socially entrepreneurial organizations are built to change


Check out this article, which includes some great nuggets around unshakable optimism, grand impacts (!), ultimate impacts (!), social enterprises that are relatively flat and singularly focused on the idea of change, and much more.