To me ‘doing the math’ means owning and internalizing an understanding of your numbers. It also means taking the time...
“What’s your elevator pitch?” You have 60 seconds with someone on an elevator. How do you pitch your company, product...
Nick and I were brainstorming yesterday about a coaching client. Talked about trying to get them to stop begging for...
Last week I was with an organization (to remain nameless) that had a super simple message but a really bad...
Cause: Your reason for existence. The big problem you’re trying to solve or change. Case: Your approach. Your model. The...
I believe 90% of the funding challenges organizations have are a function of 1. Not asking 2. Not being with...
Made a reference list this AM of some of the framing devices or pitch types I/we often use to rationalize...
Everything’s a Project! If you’ve been to Boot Camp you’ve probably heard us use that mantra. You should be able...
I’ve written in the past about the importance of the funding plan as part of your case-for-support. I think there...
Two years ago an ED said to me, “Nobody funds case management.” That’s because nobody understands case management – and...
When I was at Notre Dame we would enter the Basilica of the Sacred Heart under an arch that read:...
At a speech last week I did some word-association drills with a room full of nonprofit leaders, board members, funders...
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