If you’ve ever been to a For Impact training of any kind, you’ve experienced the infamous “Rope Trick.”
We pair participants up and “handcuff” them together with ropes. The goal is to solve this problem at least once – to completely free yourself from your partner without your rope ever leaving your wrists at any time. You can imagine the hilarity that ensues, but there is a point!
Many people repeat the same funky dance moves over and over yet end up back in the same spot – Still handcuffed together.
– Albert Einstein
Solving this problem requires that you change your perspective.
Alan Keys, a pioneer of computer science, says:
Being For Impact is all about a change in perspective. Change can be scary, so in our approach we always GIVE you something valuable/simple in exCHANGE for the ‘old way’ of thinking. And if old Alan is right, these changes will also increase your I.Q. 🙂
Think about some of the ‘insane’ behaviors you/your organization are still doing – Special Events, Feasibility Studies, Cultivation, Transactions, etc – And, if you haven’t already, I recommend that you read or share the For Impact Guidebook: Change (The) Rules!
(P.S. If you want the solution to the Rope Trick – Email me and I’ll send you video solution.)