We’re often asked about ways to MEASURE and MANAGE the fundraising (read: sales) function of organizations. Here is the simple sales dashboard we use: The For Impact Green Sheet.
It measures ACTIVITY and PRODUCTIVITY – Visits. Asks. Results.
“Spend more time with better prospects.” – Brian Tracy
Here are three instances in which we use the For Impact Green Sheet with clients:
- When we’re building a Sales Model/Team – to create alignment and a culture of philanthropy.The Green Sheet becomes a clear illustration of what matters. People start asking questions like, “How do we get more visits?” Or, “Why are we doing another mail appeal? Will it help us identify more leads?”
- For Campaign Management.In addition to broad campaign goals, the sales dashboard is a view into all elements of a comprehensive campaign. See Today/Tomorrow/Forever Funding Model.
- To coach and develop talent!This is an important note for ‘sales managers’ and ‘sales leaders.’ We need this dashboard (or something similar) not only for accountability, but to effectively COACH and DEVELOP talent. In fact, you really need these three things:
- A Master Prospect List /Action Plan: You need to know the priority prospects.
- The For Impact Green Sheet.
- Call Memos. It’s challenging to coach someone without knowing what actually happened on a visit.
Links to definitions:
- Relationship Manager
- Number of Top 33 Visits. Note: You could just as easily measure Top 10, or Top 20. The point is that you’re calling out TOP visits from your Master Prospect List.
- ‘Asks’. See ‘What is an ask?’
- Leadership Circle / Legacy Society.