For Impact


Happy Birthday Walt!

For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

I meant to throw this up last week.

December 15th is Walt Disney’s birthday. Walt has been gone 45 years (1966) but what he imagined and envisioned lives on today in a truly amazing legacy. One of my favorite parts of the Disney enterprise is called IMAGINEERING. In Walt’s own words: “There’s really no secret about our approach. We keep moving forward – opening new doors and doing new things – because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new path. We’re always exploring and experimenting… we call it IMAGINEERING – the blending of creative imagination and technical know-how.”

Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of Disney says that “Imagineers are not just curious, but they are courageous, outrageous and contagious!”

Question: How many Imagineers does it take to change a light bulb?

Does it have to be a light bulb?

Disney’s Imagineers are story people and visual people… who make magic! Their process is learning and succeeding by dreaming and doing!

Dream. Design. Build.

That would be great mantra for all of us heading into 2012!

Special Note: I had a training gig recently with a wonderful college development team in Central Florida. Added on an extra two days to take Tatum, Roscoe and E.J. to Disney World! (Oh yeah. Also, Aunt Kerry, Mom & Dad Meghan and Jon.) Had a great time.

Some new construction going on. On the wood enclosures surrounding the new experiences were quotes by Walt. Here are a couple that I wrote down.

“Get a good idea. Stay with it. Dog it. Work it until it’s done. And done right.”

“Most of my life, I’ve done what I wanted to do. And had fun doing it.”