For the last 15 years, I have tried very, very hard to make my BIRTHDATE a special day every month. (March 19th is my BIRTHDAY, thus today is my December BIRTHDATE.)
I’ve been quietly trying to encourage everyone around me to CELEBRATE their own BIRTHDATE. And, not so quietly, I have challenged thousands of individuals at certain speaking engagements to do the same.
Here’s a great goal/challenge for 2012: Make your BIRTHDATE a special day for YOU!
Do something solo. (Breakfast or coffee shop, with a journal or a book. A motorcycle or bike ride. A yoga class. Whatever.)
Then, do something special with those you love. (Spend a little time with the g-kids. Catch up with a sib or a child away from home. Have lunch with the ‘girls’ or a beverage with the ‘boys’.)
*I also use the 19th as the once a month review of my goals (lifetime, this year, upcoming 90 days, etc.) and to set Action Plan for next 30 days.
Most people laugh (hard) when I tell them to take their BIRTHDATE off. Yet, if we can’t set aside even one day for ourself… things are pretty screwed up.
My last 3 birthdates (September, October and November) have been in Dublin, Ireland (19 Sept.), Dublin, Ireland (19 Oct.) and Chicago (19 Nov. with two special grandsons!)
Today, will be: feed animals, year-end goal review at First Watch, a workout at Sullivan’s Boxing Gym, time with Taggart, then family dinner and Savannah’s choir performance! Great day.