I’m doing some work both nationally and with local and regional Junior Achievement organizations.
I LOVE what they do, which can be summarized (at least by me) as:
Their Message is so strong around the ‘3 Pillars’, of STUDENT SUCCESS: WORK READINESS, FINANCIAL LITERACY and ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
As part of the MESSAGE, they also communicate their ‘BUSINESS’ with these 3 Circles: YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.
As with many national social, health and youth organizations… JA is searching for a way to increase ‘INDIVIDUAL GIVING’. (Right now, they’re getting the majority of their funding revenue from corporations and special events.)
In a recent conversation, I was trying to shift their thinking… and ended up with the following:
It’s not really about individual giving or corporate giving or foundations or whatever.
It is about the MASTER PROSPECT LIST!!!!
This is the centerpiece of our prospecting ‘system’ and is basically a top down, descending order of importance list of prospects. It’s based primarily on CAPACITY and RELATIONSHIP… with GIVING HISTORY, TIMING, PHILANTHROPY and GUT as the other four factors.
For more on the Master Prospect List and for more ON PROSPECTS, there is a 3-day window for you to download everything I know about PROSPECTS (titled, simply enough, ON PROSPECTS.)
Again, don’t get caught up on whether this is about major gifts, principle gifts, individual gifts, corporate gifts, Christmas gifts, birthday gifts or gift gifts.
Look at ALL parts of your prospect pool and do a Master Prospect List that represents ALL of your Qualified Prospects.