Everyone knows that R.O.I. is RETURN ON INVESTMENT. In our FOR IMPACT world, when you Change Your Vocabulary… you move from ‘donor/donation‘ to investor/investment. And, as we all know, every investor wants a RETURN on their INVESTMENT.
However, I believe there are two other ‘I’s’ that need a RETURN…
Return On Impact is probably more important than Return on the Investment. It’s about the WHY you exist… WHY what you do is important… WHY people should even make an investment.
Return on Income is all about WHAT you do with the money… and HOW you deliver on your promise/vision/impact. Income is not just limited to ‘philanthropy’. It’s all of your revenue streams. (If you get the nuance of this, it is then distinguishable from Return on Investment.)
Obviously, you should be able to convey the RETURN ON all 3 of these I’s.