I know you’ve heard that a lot from us. It is not meant to apply to just Development or Advancement Officers (Fundraisers) in the Third Sector.
It’s meant to apply to YOU!
We are all in SALES!
One of the few magazines/resources dedicated solely to SALES is called SELLING POWER.
The editor/publisher Gerhard Gschwandtner and his daughter (I think) Lisa are superstars. They do a great job of every month of pulling very topical articles together on sales.
In the March/April edition that just came out, Gerhard discusses (in his editorial) a Sales Optimization Survey that talks about how salespeople invest their time.
*Highlights that only 41% of time is spent selling face-to-face or by phone!!! Here’s a great closing line:
“The solution isn’t about the management of time; it’s the management of actions. Only a better sales PROCESS (my caps) will lead to greater sales progress.”
Subscribe to Selling Power. Check out our ‘SALES PROCESS‘ and our FOR IMPACT ROADMAP.