Set your intent at the start of a visit. In conjunction with strong predisposition, an INTENT will help you TRANSITION throughout...
We are professionals – We do not make COLD CALLS! Instead, we PREDISPOSE the prospect or potential investor before, during and...
The goal of predisposition is simple: TO GET THE VISIT! It is NOT to ‘sell on the phone’! A really...
A few weeks ago we published “10 Action Steps to Help you Engage in 2016.” Over the next 10 weeks,...
The word PREDISPOSE means exactly what it says. (Weird, huh?) We are literally (not figuratively) predisposing the person or persons, in...
What is the absolute PERFECT PREDISPOSITION??? It’s bringing the Qualified Prospect or potential/current investor TO YOU!!! Short. Sweet. Powerful. An...
A few weeks ago we published “10 Action Steps to Help you Engage in 2016.” Over the next 10 weeks,...
*Warning: It’s pretty easy to run down this list and blow off a number of these with a “We’ve already...
Getting a visit is both an ATTITUDE and a SKILL. There’s a ‘SYSTEM’ to it. Getting a visit is all...