For Impact


The Economy: One Great Question

Change, Attitude | | Nick Fellers

‘C-M’ is absolutely one of my favorite Relationship Managers, Sales-Superstar and just all around Wonder-Woman. She is part of one of the best Sales Teams in the Third Sector/For Impact World.

After getting “beat up, challenged and sob-storied” about the Economy on so many visits… she decided to turn things around by asking ONE GREAT QUESTION:


WOW! According to C-M and her teammates, this ONE GREAT QUESTION completely changes the DIALOGUE and CONVERSATION!

It immediately allows people to RE-FRAME their thinking around the FUTURE… instead of bemoaning the Dow or their 401(k) or the housing market.

I think this is also a terrific lead-in to talking about LEGACY GIFTS, MULTI-YEAR COMMITMENTS BASED (on future ability to invest), PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE, etc.

I beg, urge and encourage you to try this ONE BIG QUESTION when somebody starts talking about the “economy, the recession, the bailout, the deficit, etc.”

P.S. This assumes that you’re actually still out there making VISITS and PRESENTATIONS and ASKS.

If you’re not, C-M’s ONE GREAT QUESTION is merely a worthless nugget.