For Impact


What Would You Do With $1M?

For Impact Ideas | | Tom Suddes

I recently read about a GREAT question being posed to Amazon job candidates by CEO Jeff Bezos. (“Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions of 2012” from

“You can have $1 million to spend on your best entrepreneurial idea. What is it?”

This is a very powerful question for every FOR IMPACT LEADER!

Not as a interview question … not about Bezos … but a question you should be able to answer EVERY DAY, any day, for anyone walking into your office or where ever you deliver your service.

The most important point here is that if you don’t know what you’re going to DO with a
$1 Million Transformational Gift … you’ll never GET one!

Read this great story from one of my top five favorite books, THINK & GROW RICH, called
It illustrates the point perfectly.