Where Are the (Social) Entrepreneurs When You Need Them?
On Change in the Social Sector, Social Entrepreneurs | | Tom Suddes
I’ve been carrying around a quote from USA Today about Florida’s Statewide Nursing Shortage. The facts:
• Four of Florida’s public universities have turned away about half of qualified nursing applicants.
• An Associate Dean says they don’t have the resources or teachers to teach them.
• The quote: “It’s very difficult attracting people to academia.”
• Florida Center for Nursing reports that the state faces a “critical breakdown” in its healthcare system.
• Nurses qualified to teach can earn much more outside of the classroom… at $100,000/year.
• The universities are looking to hire faculty members for $45,000/year.
Here’s an entrepreneurial thought:
Pay qualified nurses $100,000/year (instead of the $45,000/year)… and generate millions more dollars in TUITION!