I just read there are 303 million people in the U.S. at the start of this year.
• A lot of these people NEED HELP.
• A lot of these people WANT to HELP.
Your mission (and it’s not IMPOSSIBLE!) is to MATCH the people who WANT to HELP ( THE SOLUTION ) with the people who NEED HELP ( THE PROBLEM ).
If you are in Development… you need to be both a MATCHMAKER and an OPPORTUNITY PRESENTER.
If you’re a Volunteer Leader, you need to both encourage and help the staff with this MATCH.
If you’re SENIOR STAFF (Executive Directors, Presidents, VP’s, etc.), you need to motivate and support your Development Team and your Volunteer Leaders to make this MATCH.
MATCH INVESTORS ( THE INCOME ) with those in NEED ( THE IMPACT) … and you can change the world.